
Refund Policy


Refund Policy

DentalRCM INC is the registered trademark of Pandaje Web Services. The company operates through “” as an incorporated entity established under the laws of the state of Oregon.

The page spells out the Refund Policy that every medical practitioner/dental office shall agree to during the course of service engagement with DentalRCM.

Unless or otherwise specified, payment once made to DentalRCM for dental insurance billing, dental claims billing, dental insurance verification, credentialling or any other service shall in no case be refundable.

Since DentalRCM does not ask medical/dental practitioners for prepayment for the dental insurance billing and other associated services, any refund claim raised out of incompleteness and inappropriateness of our dental billing services shall be deemed null and void.

Refunds shall be payable/adjustable only in the cases as understated:

1. If dentalRCM fails to complete the Insurance Verification as per the dental office requirement;

2. If the payment is posted in a wrongful manner (the fee for services will be partially adjusted/refunded based on the SLA agreement);

3. If the dental office has been charged for the services that have not been served yet or served partially to a dental office (refundable/adjustable during a certain review period)

DentalRCM will adjust/refund the amount paid for the services that have not been performed for the specific accounts. DentalRCM, being the operator of the site and dental billing services, holds the right to accept or reject refund requests/claims upon its discretion.

Medical/dental care practitioners acknowledge holding us and our refund policy in trust and agree to abide by the above-stated norms.

Contact In Case Of Query About The Refund Policy

For any questions or comments regarding this Refund Policy, the dental offices/medical/healthcare practitioners may reach out to our support by

Calling us on – (888)315-2050 or Writing to us at – services@localhost

Oregon Office

955 SE Jetty Ave, Lincoln City OR 97367 (United States)

India Office

A-60,Sector 58, Noida, UP 201301 (India)